Coordination Of Benefit (COB) Program Development Analysis: A Case Study Of Healthcare Insurance In Indonesia

  • Citrawati Citrawati Master of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Respati University Indonesia
  • Eko Edy Suntoro Master of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Respati University Indonesia
  • Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Indonesia
Keywords: Commercial insurance company, coordination of benefits, health insurance and health benefit.


The present study reports the first comprehensive study on the coordination of benefits program in healthcare
insurance in Indonesia. Every individual Indonesian citizen who works is required to have health insurance as a
fulfillment of the obligation to be physically and comprehensively healthy. Ownership of health insurance can be
through government programs which are mandatory government policies for every employee or health insurance
managed by the services of a commercial insurance company. So that every Indonesian employee or citizen generally
has 2 health insurance memberships, one is commercial insurance and the other is mandatory insurance from the
government, BPJS health insurance. The use of health insurance from commercial insurance is the first choice, while
BPJS health insurance is used as a backup if the coverage limit on commercial insurance has expired. With limited
coverage limits provided by private insurance based on premium payments for each class registered by the company,
the government facilitates a program to use the benefits of the two health insurances simultaneously, known as the
Coordination of Benefits between BPJS Health and commercial insurance. This study uses a qualitative method to
analyze how far this program has progressed, as well as the development of an additional health insurance benefit
program in Indonesia. The end goal of this research it can be concluded that highlighting the benefits of this program
that can be maximized by health insurance participants, what obstacles are faced by participants, as well as health
services when using the coordination of benefits program and its development in the future.


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How to Cite
Citrawati, C., Edy Suntoro, E., & Puspitaloka Mahadewi, E. (2023). Coordination Of Benefit (COB) Program Development Analysis: A Case Study Of Healthcare Insurance In Indonesia . International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 4(4), 742-747.

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