A Study Of Sustainable Marketing After Pandemic Era In Indonesia
The present study reports the first comprehensive study about rebuilt the business
resilience is very important to achieve the rise healthcare industry especially hospital,
because of their important role in the national economy. Most business organizations in
Indonesia have experienced disruption caused by the covid-19 pandemic, not a few have
ended up bankrupt and unable to survive. This research aims to formulate a framework
for hospital marketing and business revival during and after a crisis like covid-19. The
aim of this research is to analyze the influence of perceived benefits and culture in
affecting clean and healthy living behaviors (PHBS) for patients, with the mediation of
religiosity. This study is classified as quantitative research aimed at testing hypotheses
statistically. The research subjects are drawn from 150 patients in a shariah hospital
using survey research, resulting in the in-patient informant from two group of moslem
hospitas group with the questionare. The research findings indicate that perceived
benefits and culture, have significant impact on religiosity and PHBS. Religiosity plays a
mediating role connecting perceived benefits and culture to PHBS in the shariah
hospital. It is hoped in the future that hospital can restore their business conditions and
be able to revive after the pandemic with the sustainable marketing.
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