Journal of Science, Technology & Management2025-03-20T16:08:27+00:00Arman Harahaparmanhrahap82@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>International Journal of Science, Technology & Management (IJSTM) e-ISSN: <strong>2722-4015</strong> is an international scholarly refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice of science, technology, innovation, engineering and management.</p> <p>Journal IJSTM published Six times a year in <strong>January, March, May, July, September and November.</strong></p> <p>A broad outline of the journal's scope includes; peer reviewed original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and analyzes papers, short communications and notes to the editors, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in science, technology and Management</p> <p>IJSTM is an international journal providing a platform for research paper publishing. IJSTM publishes research papers in various science, technology and managemen topics.</p> <p>IJSTM is a collaboration between researchers from the entire Globe including the USA, UK, Europe and Indonesia.</p> Influence of Product Quality, Price and Exchange Rate towards Export Volume On SME’s Creative Sculpture Industry in Mojokerto2025-03-20T16:08:27+00:00Ade Setia Pratamabelindasilaen62@gmail.comSudarmiatin<p>The aim of carrying out this research is to determine the influence of production concepts, prices and exchange rates on the export volume of the creative sculpture craft industry in Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia. Research includes research with a quantitative approach. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire during the period February 2025. Based on the data that was collected, the total amount of data that can be used is sixty SME’s. The results show a simultaneous influence, the three independent variables used jointly influence the dependent variable. Partially, it was found that production did not have a significant influence, while international prices and exchange rates had a significant influence. It is hoped that the results of this data processing will have implications for creative sculpture industry producers in Indonesia in general to be able to improve quality in order to increase export volume so that it has a significant impact on economic growth and social welfare.</p>2025-03-20T14:08:05+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Transformative Impact of Innovative Work Behavior on Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Performance2025-03-20T16:08:24+00:00Sriasih Anak Agung I Made Hedy Adi I Ketut yudanaadi70@gmail.comSuthanaya I Putu Bagus<p><em>Innovative work behavior, entrepreneurial orientation, and organizational performance are central to achieving competitive advantage and resilience in dynamic business environments. This study examines how innovative work behavior affects organizational performance within firms. The study also explores the critical role of entrepreneurial orientation as both a direct influence on organizational performance and as a mediator in the relationship between innovative work behavior and organizational performance. This research was conducted on small & medium enterprise in the Province of Bali, Indonesia. Data were collected by 396 questionnaires from managers representing small & medium enterprise as research respondents and analysis was carried out using structural equation modelling. Results indicate that innovative work behavior has a positive impact on organizational performance, though its effect is enhanced significantly when mediated by entrepreneurial orientation. Specifically, the analysis reveals a strong relationship between innovative work behavior and entrepreneurial orientation, demonstrating that organizations fostering innovative behaviors are more likely to develop a proactive and risk-oriented culture. entrepreneurial orientation, in turn, shows a substantial direct positive effect on organizational performance, confirming its role as a critical driver of organizational success. Importantly, the mediation analysis suggests that entrepreneurial orientation partially mediates the relationship between innovative work behavior and organizational performance, channeling innovation efforts toward strategic objectives for optimal performance gains. The study contributes to the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship by elucidating the synergistic relationship between innovative work behavior and entrepreneurial orientation in driving organizational performance. The findings highlight the importance of fostering an entrepreneurial organizational culture that directs individual innovation toward strategic outcomes. This research provides valuable implications for organizational leaders aiming to enhance performance through integrated innovation and entrepreneurship strategies, and it sets the stage for future research exploring additional mediating factors and varied industry applications.</em></p>2025-03-20T14:22:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management of Financial Literacy, Digital Literacy, and Consumer Confidence Level Mediated by Fintech Literacy on Retail Industry Growth in Indonesia2025-03-20T16:08:21+00:00Anggarwati Sapta Rinisaptarinianggarwati@gmail.comAbdul Mukti<p><em>This study evaluates how financial literacy, digital literacy, and consumer confidence influence retail industry growth in Indonesia, emphasizing the mediating role of fintech literacy. In</em> <em>the era of industry 4.0, technology, especially fintech, has transformed conventional financial business models into digital ones, accelerating transactions and financial inclusion. The Covid-19 pandemic has further driven digitalization, although it has posed major challenges for the retail industry. This study aims to determine the actual impact of the development of fintech applications including the influence of financial literacy, digital literacy and consumer confidence levels on the development or growth of retail in Indonesia. This study uses a quantitative method with a focus on analysing the relationship between financial literacy, digital literacy, and consumer confidence levels on the growth of the retail industry, both directly and through fintech literacy mediation. The data used are primary data that include information on financial literacy, digital literacy, consumer confidence levels, fintech literacy, and retail growth. Data collection uses a Likert scale questionnaire with a scale of one to five for each variable. The analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression to identify direct relationships between variables and structural equation modelling (SEM) to comprehensively evaluate the influence of fintech mediation. This study shows that financial literacy has a positive and significant influence on retail growth without fintech literacy mediation. However, it does not have a significant effect on retail growth with fintech literacy mediation. In contrast to digital literacy, where digital literacy has a significant and positive effect on retail growth with fintech literacy mediation. While without fintech literacy, this variable does not have a significant effect on retail growth. The level of consumer confidence has a positive and significant effect on retail growth directly and with fintech literacy mediation.</em></p>2025-03-20T15:01:17+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management with Quantum Cryptography: An Analysis of Current Techniques and Future Trends2025-03-20T16:08:18+00:00Edwin Omolomoledwin@gmail.comRachael Kibukuomoledwin@gmail.comPaul<p>Using a systematic literature review methodology comprising the following stages: Identification of Relevant Literature, Screening and Selection, Data Extraction and Synthesis, Qualitative Analysis, and SWOT Analysis, this paper explores the role of quantum cryptography in enhancing cybersecurity. The analysis begins with an introduction to the vulnerabilities of classical cryptography in the context of quantum computing advancements. It delves into Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols such as BB84 and E91, Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs), and post-quantum cryptography algorithms in detail. Real-world case studies are presented to illustrate the practical applications and advancements in quantum cryptographic techniques. Additionally, the paper addresses the challenges associated with implementing quantum cryptography and proposes strategies for its integration with existing cybersecurity frameworks. The discussion on future trends highlights anticipated technological advancements, potential applications in quantum internet and blockchain security, suggested research directions, and policy implications. The significance of quantum cryptography in securing sensitive data and establishing trust in critical sectors is thoroughly emphasized.</p>2025-03-20T15:06:57+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management of Rhizobacteria from Muting District (DMSJ 3) and Semangga District (DSK 3) in Increasing Rice Yield (Oryza Sativa L.) Under Drought Stress2025-03-20T16:08:16+00:00Malvin Reynara Ayu Kade Corina<p><em>Drought is a climatic phenomenon that can significantly disrupt the growth and reduce the yield of rice plants. Inoculation of rhizobacteria can increase the yield of rice plants under drought stress conditions. The research was conducted at the Agrotechnology Laboratory of Agronomy Unit and Experimental Garden II of Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari from October 2024 to January 2025. The treatments in this study were drought stress and rhizobacterial isolates. Drought stress treatment consisted of control (K0), 25% drought stress (K1), 50% drought stress (K2) and 75% drought stress (K3) while rhizobacterial treatment consisted of control (B0), isolate DMSJ 3 (B1) and isolate DSK 3 (B2). Each treatment was repeated 3 times, the treatment pots were arranged according to a split-plot design consisting of 5 polybags. Observational data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance at the real level α 0.05 and will be further tested with DMRT α 0.05 if it shows a significant effect. The results showed that inoculation of rhizobacterial isolates DMSJ 3 and DSK 3 was able to increase plant yield under drought stress conditions characterized by an increase in the number of productive tillers, flag leaf area, flowering age, total grain per panicle, percentage of filled grain per panicle, 1000 grain weight, grain weight per panicle, yield and drought tolerance index. Isolates DMSJ 3 and DSK 3 have the same ability to increase yield and induce resistance of rice plants to drought stress conditions.</em></p>2025-03-20T15:14:50+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Of Public Satisfaction Levels Towards Hospital Services Using The K-Nearest Neighbors Method (Case Study: XYZ Regional Public Hospital)2025-03-20T16:08:13+00:00Novia Ramadani Sibutar-Butarnoviaramadani463@gmail.comMuhammad Halmi Darnoviaramadani463@gmail.comMila Nirmala Sari<p><em>The level of public satisfaction with health services is an important indicator that reflects the quality of services provided by a hospital. XYZ Hospital, as one of the main health service providers, strives to continuously improve the quality of its services by understanding and evaluating the level of patient satisfaction. However, challenges arise when it comes to accurately identifying and predicting patient satisfaction, given the diverse characteristics of patients and the complexity of the services provided. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the level of public satisfaction with XYZ Hospital services using the K-Nearest Neighbors method. This study employs a quantitative approach by utilizing patient satisfaction data obtained through a survey. We then analyze the data using the K-Nearest Neighbors method, known for its effectiveness in classifying based on data proximity. We carry out the model performance evaluation process through an evaluation matrix that includes accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The results of the study show that the K-Nearest Neighbors model is able to classify patient satisfaction with an accuracy value of 94%, precision of 97.67%, recall of 95.45%, and F1-Score of 96.55%. These results indicate that the K-Nearest Neighbors model is not only accurate in predicting patient satisfaction but also consistent in classifying patients who are satisfied and dissatisfied. The study's conclusion is that the K-nearest neighbors method is very effective in analyzing and predicting the level of patient satisfaction at XYZ Hospital. This study makes a significant contribution by utilizing the K-Nearest Neighbors model as a potent predictive tool for assessing patient satisfaction, a tool hospitals can employ to enhance service quality. We hope that further development will enable the larger-scale implementation of this model, thereby enhancing the quality of health services across various hospitals.</em></p>2025-03-20T15:45:13+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Influence of Participative Leadership, Proactive Personality and Knowledge Sharing on Innovation Work Behavior in The Creative Industry2025-03-20T16:08:10+00:00Krisanti<p>The purpose of this research is to explore how Participative Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, and Proactive Personality influence Innovative Work Behavior in employees who are graduates from creative industries in Jakarta. The research was conducted on 154 respondents who met the research criteria, by distributing questionnaires online. The data processing method uses SEM PLS. The research results show that Participative Leadership has an influence on Knowledge Sharing. However, Participative Leadership has no effect on Innovative Work Behavior. Proactive Personality has an influence on Knowledge Sharing, Proactive Personality has an influence on Innovative Work Behavior, and Knowledge Sharing has a role that can influence Innovative Work Behavior in employees.</p>2025-03-20T15:49:54+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Governance Integrative Strategy For Optimizing Poverty Reduction Programs In Garut District Using System Dynamic Modeling Approach2025-03-20T16:08:07+00:00Silva Nul Geusan<p style="margin-left: .25pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: -.35pt;"><em><span style="font-size: 9.0pt;">The issue of overlapping poverty data among government agencies in Garut Regency has led to ineffective policy implementation. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing data governance and design an integrative strategy to optimize poverty programs through a System Dynamics Modeling (SDM) approach. Using a qualitative method, this research develops a stock-flow diagram to capture structural mechanisms in data governance. Data collection was conducted through interviews with key informants, historical data analysis, and a fuzzy scale, then analyzed using Vensim software. The model refers to Abraham's Data Governance Theory, which includes Data Scope (Traditional Data and Big Data), Domain Scope, Antecedents (Internal and External), Structural Mechanisms, Relational Mechanisms, and Procedural Mechanisms. The simulation results show that improving data quality, metadata management, effective communication, and strengthening roles and responsibilities across agencies significantly reduce data discrepancies. Additionally, better decision-making coordination and performance monitoring mechanisms enhance data accuracy. The findings emphasize the importance of integrating data governance strategies through cross-sector collaboration, consistent policy implementation, and a sustainable monitoring system. This integrative approach effectively addresses data overlaps and improves the accuracy and efficiency of poverty alleviation programs, serving as a model for other regions facing similar challenges.</span></em></p>2025-03-20T15:55:02+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Science, Technology & Management