The Determinants Of Preeclampsia In Pregnant Women Of Tarakan
Preeclampsia is hypertension that can affect all organs, occurs after 20 weeks of
gestation, which begins with endothelial dysfunction and decreased organ perfusion
often characterized by proteinuria. Preeclampsia occurs in 5-7% of all pregnancies
and is the leading cause of maternal death in the developing world. The purpose of this
research was to identify risk factors associated with the incidence of preeclampsia in
pregnant women at the Public health center Karang Rejo Tarakan in 2021. This
research used a case-control study design. The data used secondary data from mothers
medical record with preeclampsia and without preeclampsia in the period 1 July 2020
-30 June 2021. The number of samples was 60 cases and controls. Analysis of data
used univariate, bivariat analysis used chi square test. Results: Bivariat analysis
showed that factors associated with preeclampsia were age> 35 years and a history of
hypertension. Conclusion: The most dominant factor related to the incidence of
preeclampsia in pregnant women is a history of hypertension
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