Crosstab Analysis Of Tourists Spending Pattern In Yogyakarta

  • Nining Yuniati Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo
Keywords: Spending, Tourist, Yogyakarta and Tourism.


This research is a review of the results of a survey of tourist spending
data in Yogyakarta conducted by the Yogyakarta Provincial Tourism
Office. The aim of is information on the amount of tourist spending
and several information related to gateway, frequency of visit,
member of trip, length of stay, method of payment, shopping
preference, and mode of transportation. The results obtained show
that tourist spending in Yogyakarta is still relatively small, amounting
to less than 200 thousand IDR per day. The shopping component is
accommodation, culinary or gastronomy, and souvenirs. Based on the
exit gateway, tourists who leave through the airport have a higher
variation in spending compared to other exit gateways. Based on visit
frequency, the majority are repeaters with more than 5x visits. Based
on member of trip Most visits are with friends. The average length of
stay is 1 day or less. The preferred payment method is cash. Shopping
preferences are friends' recommendations. The mode of transport that
is widely used is the private car.


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How to Cite
Nining Yuniati. (2023). Crosstab Analysis Of Tourists Spending Pattern In Yogyakarta. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 4(6), 1684-1689.