Control Chart in the Service Industry: A Case Study in a University Health Clinic

  • Johan K. Runtuk Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, President University, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Clinic, control chart, processing time, defect, service quality.


This study analyzes the service quality of a University health clinic in Bekasi, West
Java, Indonesia. A control chart and capability analysis will be employed to analyze
the services' quality, especially registration processing time and the drug defect per
month. This study uses the CUSUM and EWMA control charts for detecting the
small shifts in the processing time. The findings revealed that the current processes
are in control and capable of meeting the current service level. There is only one
point outside the upper limit. But it can be ignored/deleted since the assignable
cause causes that event. This study gives direction for the Clinic to improve the
service quality.


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How to Cite
Johan K. Runtuk. (2020). Control Chart in the Service Industry: A Case Study in a University Health Clinic. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 1(4), 436-441.