Customer Relationship Management : Literature Review

  • Noer Rafikah Zulyanti Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Lamongan Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Mohamad Rizal Nur Irawan Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, Lamongan Islamic University, Indonesia
Keywords: Customer relationship management (CRM), strategic CRM, operational CRM and analytical CRM.


The purpose of this article is to provide a more meaningful view of CRM starting from the CRM definitions of several figures along with their orientation and the CRM strategic model framework so that later they can contribute to researchers and companies about CRM implementation and show that by managing customer relationships with both can increase the value of the organization/company. The method used is a literature study derived from previous books and articles that analyze the CRM model. There are 10 models in this article that are presented with comprehensive discussions and reviews that explore customer-centric, technology solutions to improve customer relationships, knowledge management systems, employee involvement in organizational performance.


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How to Cite
Rafikah Zulyanti, N., & Rizal Nur Irawan, M. (2023). Customer Relationship Management : Literature Review. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 4(4), 884-892.