Transformational Leadership And Radical Innovation In Industry: A Literature Review

  • Rinsan Hutabarat Transformational Leadership, radical innovation and Industry.
  • Martinus Tukiran Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia
  • Ika Pratiwi Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia
  • Jumadi Subur Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia
Keywords: Transformational Leadership, radical innovation and Industry.


Leadership style can be defined as a behavior and strategy resulting from a
combination of philosophies, skills, traits and attitudes often applied by a
leader when trying to influence the performance of his subordinates.
Transformational Leadership is a leadership style in which the leader can
identify needed change, create a vision to guide change through inspiration
and execute change with the commitment of group members. Similarly,
innovation is a research, development and engineering activity that aims to
develop practical applications, values, and contexts of new science or new
ways to apply existing science and technology to a product or production.
Radical innovation is a new product, service or technology developed by an
organization that completely replaces a company's existing products, services
and technology. The role of Leadership is very necessary considering that
Leadership is considered one of the important factors influencing innovation
because leaders influence organizational characteristics and motivate
creativity in their followers, including Industry. A thorough understanding of
state-of-the-art of Transformational Leadership and Radical Innovation is still
needed. Therefore, this article aims to classify, identify scientific publications
and conduct a thematic analysis of the current literature to create an extensive
and detailed understanding of Transformational Leadership and Radical
Innovation, especially in Industry.


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How to Cite
Hutabarat, R., Tukiran, M., Pratiwi, I., & Subur, J. (2023). Transformational Leadership And Radical Innovation In Industry: A Literature Review. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 4(4), 702-705.