Family Member Communication For Spastic Cerebral Palsy Parenting Literatur Review

  • Resman Muharul Tambunan Insititut Pertanian Bogor
  • Djuara P. Lubis Institute Bogor Agriculture Program
  • Pudji Muljono Institute Bogor Agriculture Program
  • Herien Puspitawati Institute Bogor Agriculture
Keywords: Cerebral palsy,Communication Communication Network family and style nurturing.


One of the problems with families of children with cerebral palsy is that they still need a lot of information systematically and scientifically through counseling to build the psychological function of the families of children with cerebral palsy. So that all family members can fully function to provide resilience in parenting children with cerebral palsy who help their children who have limitations. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, which is a study that aims to describe and explain something as it is, while the materials and methods used in this study use a literature review. From the results of several studies regarding the study of parenting Cerebral Palsy children, there was no explanation of the form of intervention for parents who cared for children with Cerebral Palsy. Interventions currently being carried out from psychological studies are positive parenting programs and special commitment therapy for parents of children with cerebral palsy. Positive parenting programs and special commitment therapy for parents of Cerebral Palsy from health communication studies with an emphasis on Parenting Resilience of Cerebral Palsy children with emotional intelligence interventions and social support through family members, community, therapy due to the demands of the role of caregiving. the scarcity of parenting resources for children compared to parenting by the closest family members of Cerebral Palsy children.


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How to Cite
Tambunan, R. M., Lubis, D. P., Muljono, P., & Puspitawati , H. (2023). Family Member Communication For Spastic Cerebral Palsy Parenting Literatur Review. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 4(3), 640-652.