Product Innovation As A Mediation Variable Influences Market Orientation And Entrepreneurial Orientation In Increasing The Competitive Advantage Of The Msme Sector Processed By Patin Fish In Patin Village, Koto Mesjid Village, District Xiii Koto Kampa
This study aims to measure the effect of market orientation, entrepreneurial
orientation, and product innovation as mediating variables on strategies to
increase competitive advantage in the Catfish Processed MSME Sector in
Patin Village, Koto Mesjid Village, District XIII Koto Kampar. The study
used a quantitative approach where primary data was collected through a
survey of 70 respondents, and the statistical technique Partial Least Square
(PLS) was used to process the data. The study's results confirm that market
orientation significantly affects product innovation and competitive
advantage, both direct and indirect effects, through the mediation of
product innovation variables. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial orientation
variable influences the product innovation variable and competitive
advantage, either directly or indirectly, through the product innovation
variable. Still, some other factors or variables affect the competitive
advantage variable.
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