Phenomenological Exploration Of Mother's Experiences Of Birth With Lotus Birth
Lotus birth is a normal delivery process, there is no need to clamp the umbilical cord as usual, let
alone cut the umbilical cord, allowing the umbilical cord to separate naturally in newborns. Lotus
birth can prevent anemia in newborns, so that the baby still gets a blood supply. through the
placenta which contains red blood cells, iron, hormone oxygen and other enzymes. This study aims
to understand more deeply the experience of mothers who gave birth with Lotus Birth. The
researcher involved 29 participants who were selected through a purposive sampling technique
based on (1) mothers who had previous experience of giving birth with the lotus birth method. (2)
mothers who gave birth by lotus birth. (3) mothers who agreed were taken as the research sample.
(4) mothers who gave birth normally and spontaneously without complications. The interviews
were conducted in a formally structured manner and analyzed by descriptive analysis method.
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