Design And Development Of A Baby Sleep Monitoring System Based On Internet Of Things (Iot)
A baby's condition during sleep is a condition that requires intense attention directly from
the parents. The quality and quantity of baby sleep are very much affected by the conditions
and setting of the environment where the baby sleeps, including the baby's space for
movement, room temperature, light intensity, sound/noise, and humidity of the room.
Keeping the quality of the baby's sleep is very important both for the baby and for parents.
The Design and Development of a Baby Sleep Monitoring System Based on the Internet of
Things (IoT) aim to help parents monitor their baby while sleeping and optimize the quality
of baby's sleep by monitoring the conditions of the baby's bedroom environment without
being present in person. Parents can monitor their baby's condition while sleeping by getting
alerts to their smartphone if the conditions exceed the threshold of the ideal limits received
from the IoT sensors, like sound sensor, movement sensor, temperature, and humidity sensor.
Therefore parents can feel serenely in doing their daily activities, and the baby still gets the
appropriate sleep needs.
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