Effects of Influencers on Social Media on Interest in Buying East Java Culinary
This research study is to determine the effect of influencers on social media on interest in buying East Java cuisine. This is important so that consumers' perceptions of the reliability of influencer advertising on social media are known and their effect on audience interest in buying. An influencer's specific strategies and skills that must be adapted to attract consumer purchase intention to be effective across social media are important. This study was designed to examine and analyze the effectiveness of influencer promotions broadcast on social media in attracting consumer purchase intentions. The sample used was 225 respondents who were actively using social media in East Java, consisting of 130 female participants, 95 male participants, and most of them aged 18 to 24 years. Respondents' ratings illustrate that influencers who build their honesty and trustworthiness can change consumer behavior and purchase intentions. Attractiveness and relationship with the product there is a match. Optimism and agreement with the differences in the effectiveness of an influencer's advertising on consumer purchase intentions are also the focus of consumer assessments. The influencer's expertise which is reflected in knowledge and ability also has an impact on purchase intention. The perception of female respondents towards culinary promotions in East Java by influencers is more than that of men, this is due to the frequency of using the internet. Optimism and agreement with the differences in the effectiveness of an influencer's advertising on consumer purchase intentions are also the focus of consumer assessments. The influencer's expertise which is reflected in knowledge and ability also has an impact on purchase intention. The perception of female respondents towards culinary promotions in East Java by influencers is more than that of men, this is due to the frequency of using the internet. Optimism and agreement with the differences in the effectiveness of an influencer's advertising on consumer purchase intentions are also the focus of consumer assessments. The influencer's expertise which is reflected in knowledge and ability also has an impact on purchase intention. The perception of female respondents towards culinary promotions in East Java by influencers is more than that of men, this is due to the frequency of using the internet.
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