The Influence of Price Perception, Product Quality, Promotion, Brand Image on Repurchase Intention of Wardah Lipstick Products (Study on Customers of UD. Ghaisani cosmetics Rantau Prapat)
The use of cosmetics is increasing along with the number of influencers and public figures who exemplify the results of the use of cosmetic products. In the Indonesian context, of course, halal cosmetics are an important consideration in choosing cosmetics. In this study, the researcher intends to examine one of the halal cosmetic products from the Wardah brand. This study intends to examine the effect of perceived product price, product quality, promotion and brand image on consumer repurchase intentions from UD. Ghaisani Cosmetics. This study uses a quantitative approach and data collection is carried out using an online questionnaire. The sample in this study were women who had bought wardah brand lipstick products at UD. Ghaisani Cosmetics. The results of this study indicate that all predictors of variables affect consumer intention to repurchase Wardah brand lipstick at UD. Ghaisani Cosmetics.
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