Employee Performance Determination With Creativity, Work Experience And Engagement: Empirical Study
Research on employee performance determination with creativity, experience and work involvement: empirical studies, proved that creativity (X1) has a significant and positive effect on employee performance (Y). Likewise, experience (X2) and work involvement (X3), had a significant and positive influence on employee performance (Y) studied at PT. Mitra Andal Sejati, Medan, North Sumatra. The theoretical implication of this research showed that creativity becomes a behavior that turns ideas into innovations that can be applied in work. Employees who have quality work experience will be able to conduct work while also having the responsibilities given by the company. The employee work involvement will also contribute to sustainable business development, enable the development of personal skills and assist the company's business in achieving the realization of the targets to be achieved. Practically, creative employees must be able to innovate in finding new opportunities, doing new things, and taking ideas from things around them. Companies that have experienced employees will certainly get better trust from other companies in conducting their duties. The authority of the company will increase so that it can influence other companies to work together. This also has an effect on high employee work engagement, strengthen the company’s relationships with stakeholders which leads to partnerships to create business opportunities.
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