COVAC: A Blockchain-based COVID Testing and Vaccination Tracking System
Blockchain is an emerging technology based on a distributed digital ledger system. Decentralized trust is one of the key factors behind the blockchain-based system. The transparency of such a system is better than a conventional centralized ledger system. By using a blockchain-based transaction system, any business organization can harness key benefits like data integrity, confidentiality, and anonymity without involving any third party in control of the transactions. Since the blockchain is used in numerous applications, the horizon is expanding at an unprecedented pace. It was found that tracking COVID vaccination in a transparent and accountable way is an emerging need, especially after the pandemic outbreak around the world. The blockchain platform is a good match for such applications. In this study, a blockchain-based COVID-19 testing and vaccination tracking system, called COVAC, has been designed to manage the COVID testing and vaccination process for local organizations. The “Prototype Software Development" approach was used to determine the system requirements according to the practical knowledge obtained through the vaccine monitoring and screening tests process and then communicated with local healthcare facilities to determine whether these requirements were satisfied. The blockchain-based implementation ensured the system transparency, integrity, and security of data on COVID-19 testing and vaccination
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