Testing Of The Nephroprotective Effectiveness Of Sail Leaf (Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight.)Walp.) In DoxorubisinInduced Male Wistar Rat

  • Dewi Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Ali Nafiah Nasution Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Ermi Girsang Universitas Prima Indonesia
Keywords: Nephroprotective, Gout, Ureum, Doxorubisin, Ethanol extract bay leaves


Cancer is one of the leading noncommunicable diseases leading to death worldwide.
Cancer treatment has progressed but has side effects including nephrotoxic effects.
The toxicity of doksorubisin has been widely known which is likely to be chained by
the metabolic conversion of doxorubicin to doxorubicinol. The main mechanism of
doxorubicinol toxicity occurs due to its interaction with iron and the formation of
ROS that damages cell macromolecules. One of the plants that are widely used by the
community to deal with various diseases and prevention is bay leaves. Bay leaves
contain secondary metabolites that are antioxidant in nature. Antioxidants are needed
to protect the body's cells from oxidative damage, preventing various degenerative
diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease. The study aimed to determine the
content of nephroprotective EEDS chemical compounds in phytochemical screening,
EEDS characterization and EEDS nephroprotective activity in doxorubicin-induced
mice based on uric acid, ureum and creatine levels. The study was experimentally
laboratory using mice as test animals. The treatment group consisted of CMC-Na
0.5%, Nature E, EEDS doses of 100 mg/kgBB, 300 mg/kgBB and 500 mg/kgBB
followed by administration of doxorubicin. The results showed phytochemicalally
EEDS contains chemical compounds that are nephroprotective namely flavonoids,
steroids / triterpenoids, saponins . EEDS has a water soluble sari content value of
21.64%, total ash content of 1.79%, water content of 9.98%. Ethanol soluble juice
levels were 45.38% and acid insoluble ash levels were 0.39%. EEDS doses of 100
mg/kgBB, 300 mg/kgBB and 500 mg/kgBB can lower uric acid, ureum and cretinine
levels and can picture the histopathology of doxorubicin-induced mouse kidneys with
an effective dose of 500 mg/kgBB. It can be concluded that ethanol extract of bay
leaves has nephroprotective activity.


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How to Cite
Dewi, Ali Nafiah Nasution, & Ermi Girsang. (2021). Testing Of The Nephroprotective Effectiveness Of Sail Leaf (Syzygium Polyanthum (Wight.)Walp.) In DoxorubisinInduced Male Wistar Rat. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2(6), 2116-2124. https://doi.org/10.46729/ijstm.v2i6.372