The SME Condition During Covid 19 Pandemic: Financial And Business Overview

  • Khalisa Rahmina Suryani Islamic University Of Kalimantan Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Rizka Zulfikar Faculty Of Economic, Islamic University Of Kalimantan MAB Banjamasin
  • Aida Vitria
Keywords: covid-19, pandemic, SMEs, financial , business condition


The Covid-19 outbreak has become a global problem and has caused economic
problems in various sectors including the SME sector. This research was conducted
to examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the business conditions of SMEs
which later can be used by policy makers in determining the right actions to
overcome financial problems in the SME sector.
This research was conducted in the province of South Kalimantan using primary
data. Sampling was done by purposive sampling with an instrument in the form of a
questionnaire. This study used a sample of 233 respondents. The data analysis
technique was performed using the analysis of the validity and reliability of the
instrument and quantitative descriptive analysis to describe the financial conditions
of SMEs and the affected business / corporate sectors. The results of this study found
that (1) There was a significant difference to the financial condition of SMEs before
and after the pandemic, where there was a decrease in gross income (-41.6%) and
the level of profit in the SME sector (-62.8%) in general (2) Some of the impacts of
the Covid Pandemic -19 regarding the business conditions of SMEs, namely (a)
there are still many SMEs that have not been able to sell online, (b) there has been
an increase in raw materials, (c) the majority of SMEs have difficulty obtaining raw
materials, (d) there is a decrease in motivation and work productivity which is
significant, (e) there are still many SMEs that experience a shortage of cash and
many SMEs are in arrears of liabilities, (f) but the majority of SMEs still believe
they will survive and pass the pandemic.



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How to Cite
Rahmina Suryani, K., Rizka Zulfikar, & Aida Vitria. (2021). The SME Condition During Covid 19 Pandemic: Financial And Business Overview. International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 2(3), 718-727.