Analysis of Public Interest in Smartfren SIM Cards using the K-Nearest Neighbors Method

  • Shoalihin Shoalihin Departement of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Yapis, Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
  • Yeye Suhaety Departement of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Yapis, Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
  • Atun Lestari Departement of Management, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Yapis, Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Keywords: Service Quality, Location, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty.


The use of Smartfren SIM cards is increasing along with the public's need for fast and stable internet services. However, a deep understanding of public interest in the SIM card is necessary to optimize marketing strategies and increase sales. Proper analysis can help companies identify potential target markets and develop effective marketing strategies. We chose the K-Nearest Neighbors method to analyze public interest in using Smartfren SIM cards. This study aims to develop and evaluate the K-Nearest Neighbors model in predicting public interest in using Smartfren SIM cards. This study uses a dataset containing information about Smartfren SIM card users. We divide the data into two sets: a training set for model building and a test set for evaluating model performance. We apply the K-Nearest Neighbors method to classify the data into two categories: interested and not interested. We evaluate the model performance using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. We present the evaluation results as a confusion matrix. The developed K-Nearest Neighbors model showed excellent performance with an accuracy of 94.29%, a precision of 94.20%, a recall of 100%, and an F1-score of 97.01%. These results indicate that the K-Nearest Neighbors model is effective in predicting people's interest in Smartfren SIM cards. The high recall value indicates that the model is able to identify all interested individuals without missing any, while the high precision value indicates that the model rarely makes false positive prediction errors. This study concludes that the K-Nearest Neighbors method is very effective for use in analyzing people's interest in using Smartfren SIM cards. We can rely on the developed model's strong performance for real-world applications in marketing strategies.


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How to Cite
Shoalihin, S., Suhaety, Y., & Lestari, A. (2024). Analysis of Public Interest in Smartfren SIM Cards using the K-Nearest Neighbors Method . International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 5(5), 1207-1212.