Department Of Management, Faculty Of Economics And Business, Unisa Palu Information Technology Towards The Effectiveness Process For Supply Chain Management
Prove the effectiveness and efficiency of supply chain management through the application of a StartUp product. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative approach, namely through participatory observation, depending on experience, case studies and other literature related to measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of Supply Chain Management through the application of a StartUp product. It seeks to integrate work in supply chain management, by implementing a StartUp product into one partnership. Cooperation that results in effectiveness and efficiency in the scope of work. The findings obtained are effective ProductStartUp and efficiency of Supply Chain Management, namely by facilitating information, logistics, making references, strategies and reducing risks as well as reducing costs and reducing the risk of reducing complaints, and increasing satisfaction. This research provides many fields, where researchers can complete additional research and develop further research agendas. Originality value - This paper provides some insight into the effectiveness and efficiency of Supply Chain Management, focusing on facilitating information, logistics, making references, strategies and reducing risks while also reducing the cost of reducing complaints, and increasing satisfaction. towards supply chain management.
[2]. Harvard Business School Entrepreneurial Management Case No. 812-095
[3]. (Salamzadeh & Kawamorita Kesim, 2015)Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[4]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[5]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[6]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[7]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[8]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[9]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[10]. (Ding, Jie, Parton, & Matanda, 2014)Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[11]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[12]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[13]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[14]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[15]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[16]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[17]. (Ding et al., 2014)Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[18]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[19]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[20]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[21]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[22]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[23]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[24]. (Dessyana & Dwi Riyanti, 2017; Ries, 2015)
[25]. Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[26]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[27]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[28]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[29]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[30]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[31]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[32]. (Wang, Jie, & Abareshi, 2014)Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[33]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[34]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[35]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[36]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[37]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[38]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[39]. Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[40]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[41]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[42]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[43]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[44]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[45]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[46]. (Ding et al., 2014)Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[47]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[48]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[49]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[50]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[51]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[52]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[53]. (Salamzadeh & Kawamorita Kesim, 2015)Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[54]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[55]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[56]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[57]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[58]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[59]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[60]. Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[61]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[62]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[63]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[64]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[65]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[66]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
[67]. (Moura et al., 2019)Dessyana, A., & Dwi Riyanti, B. P. (2017). The Influence of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy to Digital Startup Success. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 57–68.
[68]. Ding, M. J., Jie, F., Parton, K. A., & Matanda, M. J. (2014). Relationships between quality of information sharing and supply chain food quality in theAustralian beef processing industry. International Journal of Logistics Management, 25(1), 85–108.
[69]. Moura, L. F., Pinheiro de Lima, E., Deschamps, F., Van Aken, E., Gouvea da Costa, S. E., Treinta, F. T., & Cestari, J. M. A. P. (2019). Designing performance measurement systems in nonprofit and public administration organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(8), 1373–1410.
[70]. Nugraheni, D. D., & Sutopo, W. (2016). Filsafat Ilmu dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Manajemen Rantai Pasok. Jurnal Metris, 17(2016), 1–5.
[71]. Ries, E. (2015). Lean Startup Uittreksel. (September), 1–7.
[72]. Salamzadeh, A., & Kawamorita Kesim, H. (2015). Startup Companies: Life Cycle and Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal.
[73]. Wang, M., Jie, F., & Abareshi, A. (2014). The Measurement Model of Supply Chain Uncertainty and Risk in the Australian Courier Industry. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 7(3), 89.
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