The Effect Of Placement, Material Incentives And Non Material Incentives On Employee Job Satisfaction (Study Of Non-Medical Employees Of RSJT Pekanbaru In Indonesia)

  • Kasmiruddin Kasmiruddin Department of Business Administration Riau University, Indonesia
  • Ruzikna Ruzikna Department of Business Administration Riau University, Indonesia
  • Lie Othman Department of Business Administration Riau University, Indonesia
  • Mandataris Mandataris Department of Business Administration Riau University, Indonesia
  • Nurfitri Nurfitri Department of Business Administration Riau University, Indonesia
Keywords: Employee Placement, Material Incentives, Non-Material Incentives and Job Satisfaction.


This study aims to analyze whether there is a simultaneous and partial influence of employee reward variables,
material incentives and non-material incentives on job satisfaction at RSJT Pekanbaru Hospital. The research
method used is quantitative, namely research that aims to explain the relationship between employee placement
variables, material incentives and non-material incentives and job satisfaction variables. All research variables
are reduced to several research indicators and indicators are reduced to research instruments. The research
population was all staff of the General Administration and Finance Section of RSJT, totaling 72 people.
Considering the population was less than 100, the entire population was used as respondents. To collect data using
a questionnaire distribution technique, with the consideration that respondents did not have time to be interviewed
and were able to understand the substance of the questionnaire. The analytical technique used to analyze research
data is the Multiple Liner Regression statistical technique and uses SPSS version 22. From the research results it
was found that employee placement has a significant effect on job satisfaction of RSJT non-medical employees;
providing material incentives has a significant effect on job satisfaction of RSJT non-medical employees; providing
non-material incentives has a significant effect on job satisfaction of RSJT non-medical employees; and employee
placement, material incentives and non-material incentives have a significant effect on job satisfaction of nonmedical employees together. It is recommended that the leadership of RSJT Pekanbaru, 1) consider the suitability
of employee placement with the education, skills and work experience of non-medical employees; 2) Adjusting the
provision of material incentives to employee expectations and needs and related to employee morale; 3) Provision
of non-material incentives must be in accordance with work performance and employee needs.


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How to Cite
Kasmiruddin, K., Ruzikna, R., Othman, L., Mandataris, M., & Nurfitri, N. (2024). The Effect Of Placement, Material Incentives And Non Material Incentives On Employee Job Satisfaction (Study Of Non-Medical Employees Of RSJT Pekanbaru In Indonesia). International Journal of Science, Technology & Management, 5(1), 300-311.