Implementation of K-Means Clustering for Inventory Projection
Inventory forecasting is crucial in effective supply chain management and cost reduction. However, traditional forecasting techniques face significant challenges due to the complexity and variability of demand patterns. This study explores the use of K-means clustering, a data-driven approach that can improve inventory forecasting accuracy. By grouping inventory items based on their unique demand profiles, we can create personalized forecasting models for each cluster. This technique enhances demand estimation, helping businesses make informed decisions and optimize their inventory. Our research delves into the use of K-means clustering to identify patterns and similarities within historical demand data. This clustering process divides inventory items into groups with similar demand characteristics. By applying specific forecasting models to each cluster, we achieve greater precision in our predictions. The proposed methodology is rigorously evaluated using real-world inventory datasets, and the results demonstrate its significant superiority in forecasting accuracy compared to conventional non-clustered methods. This study offers compelling evidence and valuable insights for practitioners seeking to improve their inventory management practices through data-driven techniques.
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