The Correlation Between the Number of Heater and Energy Saving on Plastic Injection Molding
The number of human populations is increasing as well as daily needs and consequently increased the number of
wastes that being produced including plastic waste. Indonesia itself consumed 17 kg/capita per year. Recycling
the plastic waste is one of alternatives way to reduce waste, by melting the plastic waste using six heaters from
electrical energy source. This research was conducted to obtain number of heaters that will be used in the
injection molding process by considering the time consumed for the temperature of 50⁰ - 210⁰ C. The observation
is being done by measuring the temperature and power supplied from 3, 4, 5 and 6 heaters and repeated for 3
times experiment. Based on the measurement data that has been carried out, it is found that the highest average
power is the injection with six numbers of heaters consumed 956.80 W. The time measurement required to reach
optimal temperature, for 3 number of heaters was taking the longest time which is 2842 Seconds. This condition is
in line with the average of electrical power consumed to reach the optimal temperature is the using of the heaters
0.350 kWh. Based on three hypotheses that being done, the result shows that the Ha is accepted and there is
significant influence between three models that being made.
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