Smart Armband for Early Detection of Hypothermia and Hypoxia with the Location Tracing System during Emergencies Based LoRa on Hikers
Hiking has a dangerous risk of accidents and deaths of hikers. It is caused by
health problems, lost, and other accidents. A LoRa-based smart armband was
designed to detect hypothermia, hypoxia, and emergencies in hikers based on
the above explanation. Furthermore, all activities can be monitored using a
web accessed through smartphones or computers. If hypothermia and hypoxia
are detected, the smart armband will remind the hiker. The IMU sensor will
detect movement orientation and acceleration of the hiker during emergencies
to be sent to the hiking post for evacuation. All activity data are stored in a
micro-SD for evaluation. From the test results, the armband functioned at
temperatures ≤35ºC, air pressure ≤ 560,2 mmHg, and acceleration ≥200
cm/s2. The test results also proved that the armband lasted up to 35 hours
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